Sunday, February 9, 2014

McNeal Elementary School Winter Carnival

McNeal Elementary School hosted their latest winter carnival on January 25th, 2014. It was a huge success again thanks to all the volunteers and teachers that helped out. We had a bounce house, wacky hair, face painting, sand digging and goldfishes to win, all three of my children won a goldfish each, so we had three new pets! 

There was lots of food to be had and our stall 
selling pizza for our 3rd Grade (Mrs Holland and Mrs Matazinski)  class. We were very lucky to have our pizza donated by our local and very delicious pizza shop Jet's Pizza that has just opened on SR70. They kindly agreed to donate lots of pizza to the class to help us raise more money. The pizza was very good and went down well with everyone. I’m sure Jet's will have some new customers now, I know they have with us and our friends. It was all down to the wonderful classroom Mom Mrs. Sabrina Ashley who asked Jet's if they would consider donating to us, so a huge thank you to her, without who our classroom would not have made as much money.

It really is an amazing friendly school, as is the whole of Lakewood Ranch, everyone is so friendly and always willing to help others.

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